Throughout one’s academic life, they are most likely prone to encountering at least one teacher that will require them to submit a research paper as a partial requirement for finishing the year. And an individual will be lucky enough if they were already taught how to write a research paper back when they were still in secondary school.
However, when an individual has not yet encountered the task of making a research paper before or has no idea how to write one, then it can be pretty daunting and challenging the first time. Let’s talk about research and a few tips on making them so that you can start making really persuasive and mind-blowing research papers.
Generally speaking, a research or research paper is a recorded attempt of an individual or group of individuals to study a phenomenon. There are many types of research one can make, each of which serve their own unique purposes.
Theoretical research is aimed towards generating knowledge and is also known as basic or pure research. Descriptive research aims to describe the characteristics of a certain phenomenon. Correlational research explores the relationship between two or more variables. And experimental research is all about designing and replicating a phenomenon while manipulating a variable in order to determine its effects on related variables.
There are still other types of research worth mentioning but these four are the ones that are most commonly made. The type of research one makes is dependent on the outcome they want to achieve. So, choosing the type of research to use is an important step that should not be overlooked.
Now that you have decided on what type of research you want to make, you are now ready to formulate a skeletal framework or plan for your research. But discussing about those takes too long and differs from one type of research to another. This is why we shall proceed to general pointers that can be useful for all types of research so that no one gets left out.
The first major tip we can give you when writing a research paper is to choose a topic that you are interested in or at least have a lot of knowledge in. This is very important as your entire research will revolve around this certain topic.
Choosing a topic you are familiar with also gives great advantages such as knowing more about the field or topic which saves you time from having to scour various sources for information. You will also enjoy the creation of your study as you are interested in the topic you are writing about.
The next tip to help you write a compelling research paper is to use a topic that is relevant and appealing. Relevant in a sense that the phenomenon you are trying to study has only occurred recently and has a reliable and abundant source of data.
Your study also needs to be appealing enough to the faculty and the readers in general so as to not bore them while they are reading your study. You should strive to choose a topic that will peak the interests of your readers and keep them interested while still being relevant and beneficial to humankind and society.
Another important step of research that occurs before the actual study is conducted is choosing which method you want to collect your data. There are various instruments that can be used to collect data for research. A few examples include: questionnaires, interviews, online forms, observations, archival records, experiments, and the list goes on.
However, the choices from which you will actually be able to utilize will depend on the type of research you want to conduct yourself. For instance, if you intend to write descriptive research, then you are better off using questionnaires, interviews, and online forms as your main instruments for gathering data.
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Jumping head-first into the study without any prior knowledge and experience on how to create or write research can be a very frustrating process. Not only will you have little to no idea of what the important parts of a research are, but you will also spend a lot of time learning how to make these specific parts from online tutorials.
So, when making a research paper for the first time, we recommend that you spend a considerable amount of time reading up on the important parts of a research paper, as well as the different components of each chapter, and how they are made to save you a lot of time.
Once you got the gist of what you need to do and what components of the research paper you are required to submit to your professor, it is now time to focus on the creation of the research itself. During the creation process, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to stay organized.
Keep your files related to your study in a single folder for whenever you may need them. Also keep the contents of each individual part of your study as cohesive, correct, and organized as possible to keep the flow of the study going.
There are times where you would not want to use technical terms in your writings such as in casual letters. However, for research, it almost seems like an unspoken rule that technical terms are more than welcome in your paper.
Don’t be afraid to add technical terms when writing your study if the situation calls for it. Especially if you are making an experimental research. In fact, it is highly advisable that you use the correct technical terms for the processes and materials used in the experiment to keep the data and recording as honest as possible.
No matter what type of research you are planning to make, you are still handling data. Data is the result of your observation, inquiries, and experiments. And these data need to be presented in your study as accurately as possible.
The data you gather and present will be the basis for when testing whether your primary hypothesis is true or incorrect. This is why it is of utmost importance to present the data gathered accurately and with all honesty.
The data recorded in your study are also one of the most sought after pieces of information by your professors. This makes them a valuable component of your study which you should spend considerable time presenting accurately and enticingly.
The main issue that your research highlights and is trying to provide a solution for is known as the main problem. This will be where your title will be derived and is the center of your entire research. Then there are minor issues that are somewhat related to the main problem which should also be focused on. These are called sub-problems.
These problems are the main focuses of a study and are what the study aims to provide a solution for. This is why it is of utmost importance to provide an answer to these problems during the later parts of your study, namely the conclusion section.
These problems are what compel the study forward and are what cause the readers to gain interest in your research. It should only be natural that you provide enough attention to them by making sure that you provide a clear and suitable answer to these problems and not just briefly addressing them at the end of the study.
You should already be aware, but research papers are formal and academic in nature. This means that you cannot and are not supposed to use false data and observations to serve your biases. As a researcher, or as a student conducting research, you must uphold your values and stay true to the scientific method.
This method includes the creation of a hypothesis, thorough testing and the hypothesis through repeated and scientific means, and modifying the hypothesis to fit the results of the data gathered back in the second step.
This process is what helps researchers continuously improve the way we live today and will be able to continue helping us in solving more of humanity’s problems later on. So, make sure to follow this method and not stray from the scientific path.
Unless the readers are actually really interested in your study, people often tend to skip the middle parts of the study and proceed towards the conclusion where all the important details and answers are located.
The conclusion segment of the research paper is similar to that of the introduction portion of the study. Except for the fact that instead of introducing problems and questions to the readers, you are presenting the answers to these questions based on the data you have gathered through the methods you used in the study.
Be sure to wrap up your research as cohesively and informatively as possible. You wouldn’t want all of the hard work you put into your research paper to be completely disregarded just because your conclusion wasn’t persuasive and well-written.
With Family tutor our goal is to make sure that you can accomplish all these on your own. We make sure that your home tutoring will help with completing a solid research paper.
Carelle is a teacher who has been through the ups and downs of the teacher and learner life. She wishes for every learner to gain educational satisfaction that will help embody the people they want to be in the future.
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