Math Tutor Singapore: 3 Strategies that Aid Student Understanding & Learning

Math Tutor Singapore

Mathematics concepts can be tricky to master. Most students face difficulty understanding abstract topics such as fractions, and at a higher level, algebra. Even after understanding these fundamental concepts, practical execution and solving them still presents a problem over time. Take worded problem sums for example, where a question is posed in the form of a phrased conundrum instead of a mathematical equation. Comprehension aside, students often struggle to paraphrase and materialise these statements into mathematical terms. 

Common issues teachers face when teaching mathematics

Teachers themselves bear the brunt of pressure when teaching mathematics to students. Education in all things can be viewed as a system of building blocks, where fundamentals must first be established before progressing onto the next level. When educators in schools are normally outnumbered 30 to 1, being able to recognise every student’s progress and accurately track that emerges as a definite challenge.

Furthermore, when students don’t expressly voice their difficulties in understanding core material, it makes it tough for teachers to catch them up individually. A student might stay silent for a variety of reasons, when he or she fails to comprehend what is being taught – it might be because they feel anxious about speaking up, or perhaps fear getting reprimanded for falling behind. Ultimately, teachers are forced to do a lot with very little resources.

What are the methods you can use to help students?

Numerous teaching pedagogies exist to make teaching engaging and help students learn. Here, we have listed some strategies that tackle these issues by dealing with them head on. As a rule of thumb, when it comes to learning and progress, it is important that goals are set prior to practice. Before any work is done, it is crucial that both the teacher and student are aligned in what they are trying to achieve. This makes the implementation of learning strategies a lot more beneficial.

1.  Rigorous repetition

As the old adage goes, “practice makes perfect.” Simple and effective, this strategy revolves around muscle memory and rote learning. Preluding this, it is important that the student first covers all the fundamentals and fully understands a topic. Grasping that and moving forward, rigorous repetition works to solidify those concepts until mastery is achieved. Through daily re-looping and exposure, learned content is constantly reinforced.

An example of this strategy would take the form of daily sessions with a private math tutor, who issues a variety of assignments geared towards perfecting the execution and understanding of a specific troubling topic.

2. Using graphic organisers 

The issue that many students have with abstract topics is the inability to visualise and consolidate information. Graphic organisers such as charts, diagrams, and webs work to solve that by providing a framework for students to process things as a meaningful whole. This strategy is particularly useful for walking weaker students through the beginning steps of a new theory/topic. A visual chart depicting step-by-step basics establishes a solid base for these students to build upon and move forward.

An example of this would be the visual materials used in many maths tuition agency classrooms that provide focused tutoring for students.

3. Monitoring progress using charts

Similar to the idea of visual charts, this strategy uses visuals to build systems of progress. Understanding that students might not be as vocal as we want when it comes to providing feedback, these charts allow educators to personalise content depending on the progress of each individual.

It is naturally unfair to expect every student to progress at the same rate, which is  partly why math tuition in Singapore serves as a way to critically assess and help students improve. Through these strategies, you can boost your students’ test scores. 

Start tutoring mathematics with FamilyTutor 

Whether it’s through rote practice, visual consolidation of information, or just keeping track of each student’s progress with charts, there are a variety of techniques to help each student achieve their best. When dealing with academic obstacles, there is no lack of options to provide your child with the help he or she needs. 

FamilyTutor is the preferred tuition agency for parents in Singapore looking for math home tuition for their child. Request a tutor with us today and equip your kid to succeed. If you’re an experienced math tutor, we would like to work with you to become a online home tutor with us – register online today.

Love to read more about Math Tuition? Visit our Math Tuition blog section today!



Carelle is a teacher who has been through the ups and downs of the teacher and learner life. She wishes for every learner to gain educational satisfaction that will help embody the people they want to be in the future.

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FamilyTutor is an established home tuition agency in Singapore! We match suitable home tutors for our clients not just to improve the students' academic grades, but also to build a strong rapport and meaningful relationship with the students and even the their whole family. FamilyTutor put every student in good hands!

If you need an excellent home tutor, feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +65 8777-2168! Our matching service is free!

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