7 Tips to Ace Your PSLE Science Paper

7 Tips to Ace Your PSLE Science Paper

The PSLE Science paper is known to be one of the more difficult papers of the annual national examinations held in Singapore. The incorporation of “Creative” questions and theoretical study in the recent revision of the syllabus by SEAB in 2014, has only added to the complexity of the course.

6 Benefits of Hiring A Secondary School Home Tutor

6 Benefits of Hiring A Secondary School Home Tutor

It is in a parent’s nature to constantly worry for their children’s wellbeing, health, and future. However, this worry is increased tenfold for children who are in their teenage years and victim to the difficult and challenging graduation and adaption to secondary schools.

How to Survive A-Level Physics – and come out unscathed! Physics Home Tuition Singapore

How to Survive A-Level Physics – and come out unscathed!

Physics is referred to as “the complex study of physical actions/objects and their working.” The course itself combines the working of two core fields i.e. Math and Science in order to unravel the enigma of gravity, magnetism, and even electricity.

7 Advantages of Home Tuition in Singapore

7 Advantages of Home Tuition in Singapore

Although it may come as a surprise, the demand and necessity of private tuitions have risen over the last four years in Singapore. It has become quite the trend for parents to pay for their children to acquire private tuitions be it hiring a personal at-home tutor or sending children to specialized academies which also offer this benefit.