Sexuality Education in Singapore Schools: As Parents, How Do We Protect Our Children?

Sexuality Education in Singapore Schools: As Parents, How Do We Protect Our Children?

Sexuality education for our children is important in guiding them through their journey in life. As school is a fundamental aspect of a child’s growth and learning, it is important to impart in them sufficient knowledge for them to be able to face the world in various aspects – one of which is sexuality.

The Building Of More Kindergartens For Your Little Ones: Why Is Pre Schooling Necessary?

The Building Of More Kindergartens For Your Little Ones: Why Is Pre Schooling Necessary?

As we welcome our little ones into the world, they embark a lifelong journey of learning. Being a Singaporean kid, it is compulsory to enter primary school at the age of 7. Have you ever had the worry that your child would be able to cope with it?