Planning is an integral part of anyone, whether it is a kid’s, teenager’s or an adult’s life. Proper planning makes life organized and systematic. Planning also keeps you notified of your tasks and responsibilities which you might forget if you haven’t planned. Our schedules and working hours are extremely tight and we often find ourselves striving to find more time to relax or enjoy for ourselves. Through efficient planning we can segregate work time and relaxation time. But planning is a discipline which takes years or even decades to master effectively. However, the first step to plan must start from infancy or childhood as the child learns the value of planning and its utility. As a parent, you must take active initiation in mentoring your child to plan properly and abide to that schedule.
Kids and teenagers in Singapore have very strenuous schooling hours with classes from 8 AM to 6:30 PM in Singapore. By the time, the students get home, they are already drained out. If it is difficult for a student to concentrate on their home tuitions in Singapore immediately after returning home from school, you can allow the child to relax and freshen up for half hour or an hour and then return back to attend their home tuitions. We excel in teaching difficult concepts in a smart way to keep the child learning faster and efficiently. Our tutors are also encouraged to teach your children valuable life lessons where children can also learn the importance of planning in their lives.
If the child is not in any examination period or is doing well in studies, you can task them to start doing basic and simple chores like setting the dining table, or provide assistance in cooking so that they start to learn responsibility and won’t have trouble later on in their lives. As the standard of education is very high in Singapore, we advise you to consider extra time for the home tuitions. You can discuss the process of having extra tuition classes with the tutor as they can advise in which subjects should your child need additional classes based upon their performance. During examinations period or under extra homework, we recommend you to let the child attend additional classes and plan for household activities later on. Allow the child to relax after all their classes and basic chores so that they get refreshed to attend school the next day.
During weekends, although the child gets a lot of free time, we advise you to organize time effectively with studies, daily chores, relaxation and spending time with the family. Since weekdays are the only time where both yourself and the child have common free time, it is essential to plan properly. We advise you to start the home tuition in the morning after breakfast until lunch so that the child learns the concepts after getting refreshed in the morning. During examination period, you can extend the classes for some time after lunch. After the classes, we suggest you let the child relax in the afternoon so that they get ready or prepared for the evening. As Singapore is a vibrant, colorful and exciting place, there is always something new for you as a family to enjoy, be it shopping, sightseeing, concert or a resort. Spending time as a family, helps a lot in the child’s learning years as they develop strong bonds in the family and outside the family making life happy.
Zoe is an undergraduate student in Singapore who loves thinking deeply and translating them into writing. She hopes her reflective opinions and sound advice weaved into relevant articles will be useful for you in one way or another!
FamilyTutor is an established home tuition agency in Singapore! We match suitable home tutors for our clients not just to improve the students' academic grades, but also to build a strong rapport and meaningful relationship with the students and even the their whole family. FamilyTutor put every student in good hands!
If you need an excellent home tutor, feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +65 8777-2168! Our matching service is free!
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FamilyTutor is an established and the people’s favourite home tuition agency in Singapore! We match a suitable tutor for you not just to improve the student’s grade, but also to build a good rapport and meaningful relationship with the student and even with the student’s whole family! With FamilyTutor, every Singaporean son & daughter is in good hands.