Whenever you would ask a student about how they are feeling about the upcoming exam, the most common answer would be they are nervous or stressed. You would hardly hear someone state that they are excited and elated to take the exam. But why do students often feel stressed during exam periods and what are the methods with which they can limit the stress they are experiencing? This article will answer all of these questions and more.
Stress can be caused by varying factors which can range from minuscule to gigantic in size. Different stressors also affect other people differently than others. Here are a few examples of the most common causes of stress during the exam period.
When an individual is studying in a prestigious school or portrays some form of talent towards academics, they are constantly carrying the expectations of their parents and educators. These expectations can sometimes be too high for others which might lead them to stress about reaching the mark which is deemed as acceptable.
Once the exam starts closing in on a student and they have yet to prepare for the said exam, they will feel a sense of panic and danger which ultimately leads to stress. And this stress can be traced down to the fact that the student failed to prepare ahead of time for the exams resulting in what you would call late-night cramming sessions.
Oftentimes, major exams are held during the near end of a semester in order to grasp the level of learning students had over the semester. However, these times can overlap with the due dates for projects as well creating a dilemma for most students as to what to prioritize. This also creates stress in the students and is also one of the leading causes of stress during exam periods.
Fending off exam stress is a tough process, but doing so will ultimately benefit both your mental, emotional, psychological, and physical health. The process differs from individual to individual and the level of stress they are experiencing, but we have gathered the top ways to handle exam stress to avoid ripping your hair out in frustration.
The first and foremost method to avoid any type of stress is to avoid overthinking the outcome of the situation. Oftentimes, students perceive their failures even before they have attempted to take the exam. This creates a negative mindset which can greatly increase the stress one is feeling.
Focus on the present and showcase the best of your abilities during the exams. Worry about crossing the bridge when you get there. What is important is that you are doing the best you can at the task given to you.
The first and foremost method to avoid any type of stress is to avoid overthinking the outcome of the situation. Oftentimes, students perceive their failures even before they have attempted to take the exam. This creates a negative mindset which can greatly increase the stress one is feeling.
Focus on the present and showcase the best of your abilities during the exams. Worry about crossing the bridge when you get there. What is important is that you are doing the best you can at the task given to you.
Cramming results from the lack of proper time management; however, its effects towards building up stress is too noticeable that it needs to be mentioned as well. Cramming causes the brain to work extra hard in order to accommodate the numerous pieces of information inputted over a short amount of time.
This excess work that your brain needs to do every time you cram creates a feeling of panic which ultimately results to stress. This is why it would be better to avoid cramming as much as possible in order to manage stress during exams.
It may sound counterintuitive to allocate time to do activities that are not related to academics, but if you manage your time properly, there should be no problem fitting in at least 15 minutes of exercise daily.
Exercise helps relieve the built-up fatigue and stress from academics that have accumulated over the past few days. This allows your body and brain to feel invigorated and revitalized as you are doing physical activities that promote the production of happy hormones that may help fend off stress.
Did you know that an individual’s productivity levels start to see a decline 30-minutes after the start of a task? And once your productivity levels start to plummet, there is no going back up unless you start from the very beginning.
The less productive an individual gets, the more they start to panic and feel stressed about a situation. This is why it is optimal to take a short break every 30 minutes or so in order to give your body and brain time to relax and regain its productivity.
Preparing for the big examination day and making sure to cover every little detail about a topic may be important, but so too is getting enough rest. Fatigue is kind of like a magnet for stress. Once you feel fatigued and lack enough rest, every little stressor you encounter will most likely increase your stress levels as you are already in a foul mood due to lacking sleep.
So, make sure to get at least the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night in order to function properly. Not only will your stress levels thank you for it, but your whole body will as well.
A lot of chemicals can help with regards to dealing with stress, and nicotine and caffeine are not part of the group. Caffeine may help limit the brain’s ability to feel fatigued for a short while, but it is ultimately a stimulant that can also increase the level of stress an individual will feel.
The same is also true for nicotine as it can also raise stress levels in an individual. Not to mention the long-term health risks taking in nicotine brings. Try to stay away from these stimulants as much as you can as they can most likely bring harm to you.
Nobody wants a cluttered desk, especially when you are already stressed about the impending exams. Arranging a study area allows maximum efficiency when an individual is studying as they no longer have to scour through the piles of notes scattered all over the area.
Plus, it feels much better and more calming to study in an organized area rather than one that barely resembles a study table. The few minutes it takes to arrange the area will certainly pay off for the experience an individual will have while studying in a decluttered workspace.
Music is often the go-to escape by most individuals whenever they feel stressed or panicked. And who can blame them? Music is considered music because it is pleasing to the ear and provides us with the feelings the artist wants to impart.
However, do make sure to limit the selection you listen to with songs that you find relaxing or calming in order to lessen the stress from the upcoming exams. Many people have different music tastes, so choose those that make you feel relaxed the most.
Rewards are a great way to motivate yourself and to switch up your mindset. Prepare a reward for yourself when you study for the upcoming exam and after you have finished the exams to keep yourself from feeling stressed and instead feel excited to do these activities because of the rewards set up.
Rewards can come in all shapes and sizes. It can take the form of food and snacks, leisure, more time for a hobby, or even a new pair of shoes. What is important is that it keeps you motivated and prevents you from seeing exams as a negative process.
In order to handle any stressful situation excellently, one needs enough experience with that situation in order. This statement can also be true for examinations as well. Try to create a mock exam in the comfort of your own home in order to get yourself accustomed to the pressure and stress of the real exams.
Yes, it doesn’t actually limit the stress you feel during the exam period. But it will instead allow you to get used to the environment of an exam hall and will allow you to manage your stress levels better.
No man can stand alone in this world without any external help. This is a truth that some students fail to remember especially during exam periods. Individuals often go on their separate ways and start studying and stressing over the exam all on their own when they can share the burden with their peers.
If your peers agree then you can start a study group in order to divide the workload of studying different topics into the members of the group and letting them discuss what they have learned with the other members. This will greatly increase the efficiency of which you can learn as there are essentially 3 or 4 heads working simultaneously towards the same goal. This will lessen the burden one has to carry and will inevitably lessen the stress they feel as well.
If, however, you cannot find companions to help you study for the exams, then you can always rely on your trusty home tutor. And what better place to find a capable and skilled tutor than at Singapore’s leading home and online-based tutoring agency, FamilyTutor.
Carelle is a teacher who has been through the ups and downs of the teacher and learner life. She wishes for every learner to gain educational satisfaction that will help embody the people they want to be in the future.
FamilyTutor is an established home tuition agency in Singapore! We match suitable home tutors for our clients not just to improve the students' academic grades, but also to build a strong rapport and meaningful relationship with the students and even the their whole family. FamilyTutor put every student in good hands!
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FamilyTutor is an established and the people’s favourite home tuition agency in Singapore! We match a suitable tutor for you not just to improve the student’s grade, but also to build a good rapport and meaningful relationship with the student and even with the student’s whole family! With FamilyTutor, every Singaporean son & daughter is in good hands.