Tips for Building Up Confidence for Students

Contrary to popular belief, confidence is not an inane trait, instead, it has to develop naturally in those who have been raised to project it. In the many scenarios where this can be observed, many students are more prone to stage fright than those who aren’t. This is because stage fright can often be due to anxiety or lack of confidence in your skills or abilities to present in front of a larger crowd. Although one can begin to grow their confidence as early as preschool, it is never too late to begin doing so, even if you are currently enrolled in primary, secondary, or higher education schooling.

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What is the importance of confidence?

We must first identify the importance of confidence not only in presenting in front of a large group of people but in daily academic life as well. The very common and probably most important of these reasons is that confidence allows you to better communicate. How often have you witnessed someone who is quiet and reserved struggle to express themselves because of their anxiety? You must have seen a few of these things, right? These people will be able to interact with others more effectively if they gain confidence.

It takes confidence to communicate what one is thinking. People would simply be offering signs that they expect others to interpret, which may result in a lot of uncertainty and misunderstandings if they lacked the courage to speak up.

Another reason that will come in handy, especially for students, is that people are more likely to pay attention to confident people. The audience will typically take a presenter in front of a crowd more seriously after they exhibit a stunning level of confidence. This is because they wouldn’t be as assured with the person on stage if they were presenting or speaking incomprehensibly. Thus, persuading and influencing the audience becomes simpler. This can seriously put a speaker in an advantageous position especially if they are in a situation that calls for the support of an audience such as a debate or campaign speech.

And finally, building up enough confidence will allow you to be able to do more. You can accomplish more than you initially anticipated if you just have enough confidence in both yourself and your abilities. One can venture beyond their comfort zone and try new things when they are confident. This broadens their perspectives and promotes personal development.

What are some ways to build confidence?

Confidence is not a matter of how good an individual is at a certain activity; confidence stems from how much trust that individual has in his/her abilities. These tips will slowly help you gain trust in your abilities and skills in order to build confidence.

1. Try to stay calm

Keeping your cool at all times is the first and most essential piece of advice you should keep in mind. This holds true not only for boosting confidence but also in other situations. Being able to think clearly and assess a situation at hand allows one to decide on the best course of action to take. This enables one to make thoughtful decisions at key moments, such as while giving a speech in front of an audience.

Keeping a cool head will be very helpful because one of the primary things that prevent people from public speaking is the fear of saying something inappropriately and getting laughed at. Maintaining composure will help someone who makes a mistake on stage or in front of an audience avoid panicking, prevent them from making additional mistakes, and instead enable them to find a solution or cover up their error.

2. Be prepared and do your research

The first thing to remember is probably to keep your calm, but there are other skills that might help you become more confident. Reading up on effective presentation techniques and methods is another essential step that will significantly boost one’s confidence. When presenting in front of a large audience, knowing the tactics that will make a presentation effective will greatly increase one’s confidence. This is because simply being aware of a few tactics will significantly improve one’s presentation skills, which will in turn increase their confidence.

3. Practice makes progress

The next step after studying a few presentation strategies is to put what you’ve learned into practice. It is possible to learn and read every theory there is on presentation tactics, but if you haven’t actually exercised any of them, you won’t be able to use them effectively.

To completely understand the substance of the techniques one has studied, one must put the theories they have learned into practice. While visualization can only take a person as far as their imagination would allow, reality frequently brings forth unexpected occurrences that could derail a person’s plans. Because it enables one to feel secure in the style they have selected, practicing presentation tactics in front of an audience in real-time is among the best ways to build confidence rapidly.

4. Start with a small crowd

Fear not if you are extremely introverted and have a long way to go before giving a presentation in front of a large group of people; what matters is the work and commitment you have made to give that presentation. Starting with a small audience, such as a group of close friends or family, might be a good first step in developing presentation confidence. After all, everyone starts somewhere, and that somewhere is frequently tiny in scope, even those with amazing skills. It is only after they have built enough confidence in their skills and abilities that they can face greater challenges and come out victorious and well-renowned.

5. Don’t take yourself too seriously

It’s normal to make mistakes when practicing presentation tactics or just speaking in front of a crowd because people make mistakes sometimes. You should constantly keep in mind that it’s okay to make mistakes at these moments. Simply telling yourself that failure and mistakes are okay to make can effectively decrease the factors that generate anxiety because, as we have previously mentioned, the fear of failing and making mistakes is what makes people uneasy when presenting in front of a large audience.

This won’t work for everyone because society has conditioned many people to strive for perfection, and some people find it difficult to accept that making mistakes is okay. But in order to be good at what you do, you need to know what works and what doesn’t; perfection cannot be obtained by only being perfect.

6. Do not let fear rule over

Nothing will ever happen if the person doesn’t want it to. You listen to ingrained emotions like fear, which is what is preventing you from moving forward. But who was the one who was second-guessing themselves and causing the fear? That was you.

When given the opportunity to present in front of an audience, a popular defense mechanism is for people to flee from the work and put it on someone else’s shoulders. This is one of the reasons, though, that their confidence is increasingly deteriorating. Running away from work will not advance a person’s development in the slightest and will just move them further away from the objective of gaining confidence. Running away deprives a person of the opportunity to learn, understand, and develop insight into what it’s like to present on stage.

It will be easier for you to present in front of a group of people if you adjust your thinking and make it less consumed by dread. This will also help you to feel more confident. Changing your perspective on an event can significantly alter how you experience it, just as rain might be perceived as a blessing for farmers but as an inconvenience for outdoor sports.

7. Discover different possibilities

We have already discussed the fact that confidence is more than just being skillful. But we haven’t yet talked about how comfort contributes to confidence. An individual will develop a natural sense of confidence and assurance in what they do if they are at ease doing it. To increase the amount of confidence one can develop, it is crucial to find a presentational comfort zone. If you don’t do it, you’ll never know if you could have a knack for telling stories, mixing satirical remarks, or even blending some corny quotes.


Carelle is a teacher who has been through the ups and downs of the teacher and learner life. She wishes for every learner to gain educational satisfaction that will help embody the people they want to be in the future.

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