How to Overcome Feelings of Lagging Behind

In Singapore, learning happens at an exceptionally rapid pace. To ensure they are keeping up with their peers and their classes, every student is intensely focused on their studies and devotes a significant amount of time to studying. They also invest a great deal of time and energy into improving their education by planning ahead or even hiring tutors. Even with the greatest amount of study and effort, there may be occasions when pupils are falling behind and becoming very disoriented. Despite their best efforts, students occasionally fail to pay attention in class, which can have a negative impact on their grades.
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Why do students feel like they're lagging behind?
Students regularly fall behind in their studies. You can be having problems with learning or just not feeling well. Another major reason why students could feel like they are falling behind is burnout. After experiencing burnout, students may attempt to resume their academic pursuits, but this can be challenging because they risk simply repeating the cycle of burnout if they don’t identify the root problem and take appropriate action.
Sometimes, students also face problems that are out of their control that can still affect their grades. Burnout is also one of the main factors why students may feel like they are lagging behind. You could feel scared or concerned at moments like these that the gap will widen, but how can you help yourself?

How to overcome feelings of lagging behind?
It’s important to remember that feeling like you’re falling behind is rather common. Perhaps every student has experienced similar feelings at some point. There are situations that you just believe are beyond your control. You can, however, handle your emotions in a variety of ways. We’ve put together a list of strategies to help you get past these feelings of falling behind.
1. Talk to your teachers or tutor
Tutors and teachers are some of the individuals who are in charge of your education, so you shouldn’t feel guilty or ashamed to approach them for assistance, especially if it has to do with your schoolwork. Teachers frequently have a large number of students to manage, so it’s possible that they won’t notice if you’re having trouble or are under stress. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t approach them for any questions or concerns.
It is important for you to approach your teacher and ask for additional assistance if you need it. Get information from your teachers about any doubts you may have or about the mistakes you have made recently, and seek advice on how to address these issues. They could have an idea for a fix that would work for them as well. How much you learn from their classes also indicates how good of a teacher they are, even though you will be a reflection of how you approach your studies.
Additionally, you can ask them to review the papers on which you struggled. They might be able to provide you feedback on what you need to work on to get better at solving your problems. Sometimes, you could require their viewpoint to identify your areas of improvement. Your teacher or tutor should be able to help you; you simply need to take the initiative.
2. Ask help from friends
Sometimes it can be difficult to ask a question of your teacher since they might be busy or you might feel uncomfortable doing so. Some kids might be too embarrassed to approach their teachers at all. Some could be reluctant out of concern about criticism or condemnation. If you feel awkward asking your teachers for help, consider talking to friends or students who appear to be handling things well.
You can ask them to enlighten you on any questions you have regarding the classes or to offer advice on how they are doing their lesson preparation. You might receive advice from them to help you comprehend. Some pupils have peculiarities of their own that go beyond the typical learning process and can aid in their comprehension of the material. In any event, since you and they are in the same age range and you will feel more at ease talking about your issues, this might be simpler for you. When your friend helps you, it benefits you both since they are consolidating their own learning as well.
You can ask a friend or two for advice, but you shouldn’t rely only on them to support you because they will also have their own academic responsibilities to fulfill. It is not your place to demand constant study assistance from them unless you have hired them in a formal capacity. They may become upset if you keep asking them about the teachings in addition to finding it burdensome. You wouldn’t want this to cause you to lose a friend.

3. Engage in home tuition
You might ask your parents to assist you with tuition if you have tried the aforementioned suggestions and you are still struggling with your classes. Since every student learns differently and Singapore still often employs a one-size-fits-all strategy to account for large class sizes, there is no shame in needing extra help to catch up.
Tuition can provide you with the additional support you require in addition to the few lectures and huge courses you take in school. There are options for both individual one-on-one classes where your teacher will focus solely on you and small group teaching. Each student receives a customized lesson based on their learning preferences and needs. You might discover that, despite the unusual learning style or pace of the class, you do, in fact, understand the material. If you think you would benefit from a tutor, talk to your parents about getting one.
You may become more nervous if you feel like you’re lagging behind. But understand that everyone is traveling on their own path and that it’s okay to sporadically fall behind as long as you try to catch up. In case you feel that you are falling behind, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Ultimately, though, it is up to you to decide that you want to work harder and better yourself.

Carelle is a teacher who has been through the ups and downs of the teacher and learner life. She wishes for every learner to gain educational satisfaction that will help embody the people they want to be in the future.