It’s undeniable that Singapore has one of the best education systems in the world. With education and development held in high esteem for everyone in Singapore, it’s not surprising to learn just how much effort parents put into their children’s education. Aside from the lessons they get in schools, it’s also common for students to engage in after-school activities or extra-curricular activities. Some students also enroll in tuition centers to further their studies. While it is for the children’s benefit and parents have good intentions, the pressure of doing well in their studies can get to the children and may put them under immense stress. Generally, when children are pressured and continuously nagged, they can develop a distaste of going to school or attending their tuition classes, seeing them both as chores and something they “have to do”.
Education is important and as preparation for the children’s successful futures, it’s understandable that parents want to push them more to reach their full potential. However, they are still children and they should also be allowed to enjoy themselves outside of their studies. Academics is important but maintaining a well-balanced life can help children lead to more fulfilling lives. By encouraging the child’s creativity or other interests, parents are grooming them to develop proper well-being and exposing them to life outside of the classroom.
This is why we’ve gathered some tips parents should do in order to help create a balanced life for their children, wherein they can succeed in the future and still continue to enjoy their interests in the present.
Being physically healthy is just as important as excelling in studies. A child can still be physically active while also doing well in sports. These components don’t have to be divided separately. As such, being healthy and physically active also helps in the psychological aspect of the child. Exercise is known to release endorphins and provides a positive feeling to the body. Essentially, when the child is allowed to be physically active and release their stored energy, they become happier, especially when they are given the chance to play their favorite sport.
Aside from letting them play their favorite sport or any sport they are interested in, children can also join a sports club. This can be a sports club in school, the local community, or even a sports facility. Sports club often gives its members more benefits than just playing the sport. They can also provide the child the chance to interact with more people that share their interests, learn the value of teamwork, develop lasting friendships with even those outside their school or age group, understand and apply fair play, and even enter competitions.
Aside from this, sports can also relieve stress. Sports demands focus so children who are stressed out with their school work can turn to sports to get their mind off the stress they are feeling. Afterward, when they have relieved their stress, they can tackle their school work with more motivation.
Making friends is an important aspect of a student’s life, especially when they are transitioning from being a child to teenager to adults. They must learn to socialize with people and develop their own circle of friends, whether they be from their school or the neighborhood or even their relatives. Children have the right to develop personal relationships with people that they can grow up with and share experiences. Their peers can be people they develop connections with and build bonds that can last for a long time. Friends can also provide support for their children when they are going through something they are not ready to share with their parents yet. Additionally, interpersonal relationships also help them develop mentally and emotionally.
Spending time with their friends includes visiting them, going to the mall with their friends, watching movies, or playing games. These are all normal things that children or teenagers do with their friends and parents should let them partake in these. Activities such as these will not only help the child spend more time with their friends, but may also be a means for them to cope with stress or relax with their friends after a week of tiring activities from school.
It should also be considered that friendships also go through their own hardships and struggles. When the child is having a hard time with their friends, it’s also important for parents to be there for their child. As such, parents should also provide guidance, especially in helping them avoid keeping poor company.
As parents, spending time with your children should be done on a daily basis. This quality time doesn’t have to be something grand and lavish, it can be in the form of family dinner, walking in the park, visiting the zoo together, or going to the mall together. By spending time with their parents, children will feel safer and their trust will develop further because of the continuous and regular interaction they have with their parents. Additionally, if they have siblings, family time can also be a means for them to grow their bond as siblings as well.
Often, parents may be too caught up in their lives and the same can happen for children. This can ultimately cause a rift within the family, especially if interactions between them are scarce. The only way to avoid this is to continue interacting and making sure that both parents and children are involved in each other’s lives. If parents and children will continue to share stories and spend time with each other, they will develop more trust for each other and their bond will also grow deeper and stronger.
As parents, you must also listen intently to your children when they are talking to you and not simply nodding along. Children also want to be heard, and if parents simply pretend to listen, they will catch this and maybe more apprehensive to open up or talk to you the next time. By listening to them and being in the loop, the child will feel wanted and help solidify a good parent and child relationship further.
A child sees the world differently from an adult. They are more creative and driven by their wild imaginations. These traits shouldn’t be shut down and instead, should be encouraged by the parents and be given space to grow. Children are interested in many things, and it’s the parents’ job to discuss with them what they want to do. It could range from singing, dancing, acting, writing poetry, reading books, or painting. It can even be unconventional ones such as pottery, dress-making, or even baking. Whatever it may be, parents should encourage their children to take up a hobby and let their creativity run free. They can even go as far as help their child join a club or enroll them in a class to improve their skills and continuously enjoy what they are doing.
As we mentioned before, creativity isn’t something that depletes over time. By helping the child develop creative and healthy hobbies, they are also giving the child more than just something they can do in their free time. These hobbies can turn to be something that gives children a sense of purpose, power, and completeness. Perhaps, if developed well, these interests and hobbies can turn into full-time careers in the future for the child and help them lead successful lives.
Of course, as much as parents want their child to be free of stress and pressure, it is easier said than done. In the modern world, everyone is in a race to get to the top and secure a bright future. This being said, education is very important, and even in the best educational system in the world, homework and tuition are still integral parts to help a child succeed in his/her studies.
This is why, to help children lead a balanced life, parents should also provide their support and assistance to their children’s studies. School can be stressful already for the students, and with homework after school, they may become even more pressured. This is why parents are turning to engage home tutors for their children. By hiring a tutor for your child, parents can lessen the amount of stress a child goes through in answering homework and may even free up more of their time. Home tutors are also more convenient as they are flexible and provide the much-needed personalized lessons that students don’t get in schools. With concentrated learning, children can spend more time on their own hobbies and interests without sacrificing the good grades they aim to achieve.
Leading a balanced life between academics and everything else may sound daunting for parents. Some parents may even continue to think that education is the only way to secure a wonderful future for their child, and in a way, they are right. However, physical, mental, and emotional health should also be prioritized and given importance, especially if parents want their child to lead successful and fulfilling lives.
Carelle is a teacher who has been through the ups and downs of the teacher and learner life. She wishes for every learner to gain educational satisfaction that will help embody the people they want to be in the future.
FamilyTutor is an established home tuition agency in Singapore! We match suitable home tutors for our clients not just to improve the students' academic grades, but also to build a strong rapport and meaningful relationship with the students and even the their whole family. FamilyTutor put every student in good hands!
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FamilyTutor is an established and the people’s favourite home tuition agency in Singapore! We match a suitable tutor for you not just to improve the student’s grade, but also to build a good rapport and meaningful relationship with the student and even with the student’s whole family! With FamilyTutor, every Singaporean son & daughter is in good hands.