Part-time Jobs for Students
There is one question begging to be solved at the back of your head: What are some part-time jobs I could get as a student?
There is one question begging to be solved at the back of your head: What are some part-time jobs I could get as a student?
Whatever the reason may be, we are here to give you a few pointers on how to budget your allowance to last you a whole month.
Whatever the case may be, you have strayed upon this article to learn how to do meal prepping for your dormitory days, and that is what we are here to discuss.
One of the most common struggles amongst students during this day and age is keeping balance between their studies and their social life. The stigma goes that students who are good in studies often have little to no social life, preferring to spend their days holed up in their rooms or in libraries preparing for the next exam.
From this, we can say that the curriculum and education system in Singapore is one of the best and most well-developed in the world. However, are we focusing too much on grades and academics?
The human brain and body can only handle so much workload as it is physically and mentally capable. Even the greatest of athletes and the wisest of mathematicians need rest once in a while else they succumb to fatigue and risk injury.