Achieving Better Lesson Outcomes as a Tutor

Parents aren’t the only ones that want the best for their children. For home tutors, their work tutoring their students isn’t just a means to earn a living but most, if not all, of them also want to see their students become successful individuals. They want to deliver the best for their students as well and help them to the best of their abilities to get to the path to their bright future. But as a tutor, there will also be times that you will wonder if you are doing enough for your student.

Don’t worry, everyone goes through those questions and doubts. However, there are many ways for you to make sure you are helping your student reach their full potential or even just to achieve their academic goals for the year. We have listed a few ways for you to maximize your abilities and make sure you are achieving better lesson outcomes for your student.

1. Planning ahead

Nothing beats the good habit of planning ahead. Planning is always the crucial first step, especially when it comes to tutoring. If you go to the session with just the goal of teaching your student with whatever topic there is, they will not be as cooperative with you. They might become bored or restless and thus, they will not reach their optimal learning potential. And so, this may put a bump in the smooth road towards their learning goal. This is why it’s important to plan ahead what you will be doing as well as plan what you want the learning outcome to be in each and every lesson. You can plan a hands-on activity for your student if you think they would benefit more from it when teaching the topic. You can also plan other activities that would reflect on the learning outcome you want to achieve from them.

Additionally, time management is also very important when it comes to lessons. Remember that the time for their tuition sessions is very limited and so planning also helps in making sure that every minute of the session is utilized properly. Learn how to estimate how long each activity or lesson is going to take, run the plan in your head, and also think of possibilities that may arise so you can also think of backup plans just in case. As an example, you need to ask yourself which parts of the lesson you need to spend more time on helping the student understand and which parts you can leave out if you are running out of time.

Don’t also forget that for a good lesson plan, breaks should also be appropriately included to ensure that your student remains focused and not too stretched thin by the lesson. It will not help if the student becomes restless because you choose to push through with the lesson without any breaks.

2. Considering many learning styles

There will be times when you have the perfect lesson plan and when it gets to the actual tutoring, you will quickly find out it just wasn’t working on your student. The general rule in home tuition is to always consider your student’s needs. This means you will always have to take into consideration your students’ different learning styles.

Some of the ways you teach one student will not work on your other one. Every student learns differently so it’s important that you will also be flexible when it comes to tweaking your lessons to suit their needs. Some students who are more visual learners may need to see diagrams, charts, illustrations, and drawings to learn concepts better while there are also others who are keener to learning when concepts are verbally explained to them. There may be other students who are more hands-on learners, they want to experience first-hand so they can understand better. They work better when they are on their feet. Additionally, you also have students who are more in need of the quiet to concentrate as they learn better through reading, theories, textbooks, or writing notes. This also doesn’t mean that students will only prefer one way of learning so it’s also important to practice different approaches when tutoring to you find the most suited method for them.

3. Talking about the expected learning outcomes

Even after going through a very meaningful lesson with your student, sometimes they may not exactly know what they have learned or how they can apply their learning. This is why it’s always a good idea to discuss with your student the objectives of each and every tuition session. This would help them understand what is expected of them and what they should expect to understand at the end of the lesson. After the lesson, don’t forget to also reinforce those learning objectives so they can also apply what they have learned or use their knowledge for the next lesson. You can establish a schedule for them so they would also know what they should be doing at certain points in time. This would also help in motivating them to learn as they will be able to visualize what they should be learning. It can help when they are starting to have trouble focusing or spacing out.

However, make sure to set proper expectations for them. This means that though you may want them to be able to learn or do something at the end of the lesson, you should also consider many factors as to if those outcomes will be suitable for them. If you will be pushing them to learn something they are not ready for, chances are they will have lower retention of it or get frustrated when they don’t understand the concept or topic at the end of the session.

4. Checking their understanding

Even after going through a very meaningful lesson with your student, sometimes they may not exactly know what they have learned or how they can apply their learning. This is why it’s always a good idea to discuss with your student the objectives of each and every tuition session. This would help them understand what is expected of them and what they should expect to understand at the end of the lesson. After the lesson, don’t forget to also reinforce those learning objectives so they can also apply what they have learned or use their knowledge for the next lesson. You can establish a schedule for them so they would also know what they should be doing at certain points in time. This would also help in motivating them to learn as they will be able to visualize what they should be learning. It can help when they are starting to have trouble focusing or spacing out.

However, make sure to set proper expectations for them. This means that though you may want them to be able to learn or do something at the end of the lesson, you should also consider many factors as to if those outcomes will be suitable for them. If you will be pushing them to learn something they are not ready for, chances are they will have lower retention of it or get frustrated when they don’t understand the concept or topic at the end of the session.

5. Making sure they pay attention

It’s important to also note and look out for signs in your student whether they are lost or distracted during lessons. If they are not giving you their full attention, there is a huge chance that all the efforts into planning and executing the lesson will be wasted. As much as you have worked on making sure the lesson goes smoothly, if the student is distracted, they will not have fully understood the lesson. If they are having difficulty in concentrating, call out their attention, ask them how they can focus, and help them focus better. Are they needing to move around? Do they need to physically work on the lesson?

Make sure to also listen to your student and understand what they need. It can be frustrating to see a good plan not be carried out but it’s also important to make sure you are giving your student the tuition session they can understand better and learn more.



Carelle is a teacher who has been through the ups and downs of the teacher and learner life. She wishes for every learner to gain educational satisfaction that will help embody the people they want to be in the future.

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FamilyTutor is an established home tuition agency in Singapore! We match suitable home tutors for our clients not just to improve the students' academic grades, but also to build a strong rapport and meaningful relationship with the students and even the their whole family. FamilyTutor put every student in good hands!

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