How can Children Benefit from Playing Sports?

It’s worth noting that physical activities have been endorsed as part of the curriculum for the benefits it gives to student’s physical health. Physical activities are known to reduce the risk of obesity and improve students’ fitness, especially since they are more or less stationary during their classes. As such, physical activities can also be used as an outlet for them to use their energy so they won’t be as distracted in classes and lectures.

However, aside from the physical benefits children can get, it’s also becoming increasingly known that exercise and other physical activities also have positive effects on students’ academics. It’s also important to note that these benefits aren’t only limited to those who participate in competitions or organized sports events. Even those who play sports for fun can still gain the same benefits.

Why should students participate in sports?

As mentioned before, physical activities such as sports are a good outlet for students to release their extra energy and also allows them short periods of rest in between classes. Exercise doesn’t just benefit the students’ physical health but also mentally and even socially. When children are active physically, they tend to sleep better and focus better as well. They can also meet new friends when they engage in a sport they are interested in. Sports also play an important role in the kind of experience a student may have in school.

However, it’s understandable that some parents may be hesitant about allowing their children to engage in sports. They can be physically exhausting for the student within the first few times and if not properly supervised, there can be some negative drawbacks even if the intention is positive. So, how can parents make sure that their children get the best out of sports engagement? More than anything, parents should monitor their children’s sports experience to make sure the benefits will ultimately outweigh the negative drawbacks. We’ve also gathered some aspects to help parents and students understand the benefits students are getting more from sports.

1. Improved psychological wellness

Children don’t just benefit from sports in terms of being physically fit. Some crucial points in their psychological well-being deserve to be talked about. Children who engage in sports will most likely have lesser chances of developing anxiety and depression, especially because of their academics. Through sports, they can get the boost in confidence that they need in order to help them improve their academic performance.

• Boost in self-confidence and self-esteem

More than anything, when children engage in sports, they will most likely meet people who have the same interests as them. With sports, the child will have a sense of belongingness. These people may also encourage them. Simple words of praises, pats on the back, and even high-fives are all great examples of encouragement that help students with their confidence. As such, participating in sports also gives the firsthand experience of failure if they lose a game. This will help them also accept and work on their weaknesses and develop a coping mechanism when they fail. This may also be their first chance to experience constructive criticism which in turn, they will have no problem receiving when they get older and instead use to become better.

• Teach important values

Student-athletes learn about practice, patience, and perseverance as well. These values are important and should be developed at an early age so children can maximize and apply them as they grow up.

When children are first learning about the sport they are interested in, chances are the first word of wisdom they will receive is “Practice.” When children continue to practice and work harder, they will ultimately become better than when they first started. As such, they will also learn the value of patience because being good at something takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. And with that, if the students give up after only a few days because they aren’t getting better, they wouldn’t understand the true essence of perseverance. These traits are essential, not just in sports activities, but also in academics and everyday life.

2. Increased social interaction

In the modern world wherein children are more inclined to stay inside with their gadgets, it’s important for children to also take part in sports to increase their social interactions. I know of some children who have trouble relating or interacting with other children their age because they haven’t gotten the chance to since they are always inside with their devices.

Social interaction is important especially for growing children. Again, sports offer a sense of belongingness to children and that will also play a part within their school setting. With more chances of them interacting with others with the same interest, they will have more chances to practice interacting and become integrated into the environment they are in.

• Understand collaboration and cooperation

In sports, it’s often taught that though the players are separate, they have to work as one in order to win the game. Teamwork helps children how to make the most out of each other’s separate strengths and use them to their mutual advantage. As such, it also teaches children that being driven by their ego and acts of selfishness can lead to a team’s downfall.

Cooperation is essential in collaborative work. When children are taught early on about the importance of it, they can have a deeper understanding of the value as they grow older. They already understand first-hand how working towards one goal is no easy feat and everyone has to work together as a whole in order to reach that goal.

• Social skills

When children are engaged in sports, they will not only be interacting with people of the same age, they also interact with their coaches, older or younger team members, and even sports authorities if they are competing. With this, children will be able to meet new people and broaden their social skills, not limiting themselves to only interacting with their own age bracket. This will help assist them with future relationships whether it be in their academics or careers.

3. Building character

Sports offer children with many character-building experiences. Children learn how to play together and learn valuable lessons such as sportsmanship. They can also develop skills in self-discipline as they continue to strive and work harder in their chosen sport.

• Understanding the value of discipline

There are many disciplines involved in sports such as physical and mental. Sports require children to learn how to obey their coach, follow the rules of the sport, practice restraint, and many others. Self-discipline is a trait found in most successful people as it’s a trait that helps them reach their full potential and realize their goals. Discipline can also be applied academically with students knowing when to spend time for studying and when to spend for leisure. They also have more sense of restraint from doing unproductive things when they still have a task at hand. Because of this, more disciplined children tend to get things done quicker and more efficiently. They also focus more on their studies and work hard to reach their goals.

4. Stay physically healthy

Physical activities help children stay strong and healthy. Through sports, children can become stronger, build healthy bones and muscles, increase endurance and avoid the risk of obesity. Children who also become overwhelmed with academic struggles will have the outlet to distress through sports. By doing something productive when they hit a slump, they could keep their body and mind working while destressing. Because they have a coping mechanism with negative feelings about academics, they also have a higher chance to get back on their feet and return their focus on their studies.

Taking part in sports helps students also harness their focus and concentration. This helps in developing their cognitive and memory functions, especially for still developing brains, and helps them perform better in exams and academics. Additionally, with all the traits they learned through sports, they can incorporate them into academics leading to better development and an easier route to reaching their goals.


Taking part in sports is a very healthy and fantastic way for children to get short breaks from the stress they may suffer from in school. As such, since they are still very active and growing, by engaging in physical activities they have more chances to use their energy in a more productive way and ensure that they maintain their healthy bodies as they get older. This also leads to better physical, mental, social, and even emotional health.

However, there are also other means for parents to help their children do better in academics aside from engaging in sports. One great way to help children is to hire a tutor for them. Home tutors provide students with additional lessons that will help reinforce what they have already learned in school. Aside from this, with a qualified and effective home tutor, children may be able to free up their time more giving way for their other interests and hobbies.

If you’re thinking of engaging in a home tutor for your child, check out FamilyTutor, the best home tuition agency in Singapore. Here at FamilyTutor, we make sure your sons and daughters are in good hands!



Carelle is a teacher who has been through the ups and downs of the teacher and learner life. She wishes for every learner to gain educational satisfaction that will help embody the people they want to be in the future.

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FamilyTutor is an established home tuition agency in Singapore! We match suitable home tutors for our clients not just to improve the students' academic grades, but also to build a strong rapport and meaningful relationship with the students and even the their whole family. FamilyTutor put every student in good hands!

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