In our fast-paced and demanding society today, it is important to stay updated and relevant. As students of the 21st Century where the internet is advanced and always expanding, it is our responsibility to read widely and educate ourselves with the latest information. In the areas of current affairs, professional opinions and scholarly papers, FamilyTutor has some recommended sites to ensure students like you read widely and meaningfully!
Current Affairs is very dynamic in nature as it is constantly evolving. It is hence present in every examination to ‘test’ students’ abilities to be abreast of what is currently happening in our world today. Hence, it is very very important to keep up with the current affairs. Even if it might not interest you that much, just read an article a day! You might come to realise how fun current affairs can be after getting a hang of it. A very good tool to build up on your current affairs bank is The Straits Times! As a website as well as a mobile application or even in print, it covers current affairs for a long list of topics: Singapore, Politics, Asia, World, Videos, Multimedia, Lifestyle, Food, Forum, Opinion, Business, Sport, Tech, Games and more! It is also updated with “Top Stories” of the day and has subscription plans which allow you to read “Premium” articles that are specially curated by the Straits Times. Premium articles are usually opinions about current affairs written by professionals in the specific field of study. On the bus back home, right before you go to bed, just when you wake up – these are times you can start engaging with these articles from The Straits Times!
Opinions are integral in shaping how we think as individuals. When we think deeply about ideas and concepts, we are expanding possibilities in our head. We tend to think narrow mindedly and do not question assumptions of claims. Medium is a good platform to get started into thinking deeper! Not only does it allow you to think deeper, it is also an avenue for you to learn tips, tricks and content related to a myriad of fields. Topics covered in Medium are really broad, have a look!
Arts & Entertainment: Art, Beauty, Books, Comics, Culture, Fiction, Film, Food, Gaming, Humor, Makers, Music, Photography, Podcasts, Poetry, Social Media, Sports, Style, True Crime, TV, Writing
Industry: Biotech, Business, Design, Economy, Freelancing, Leadership, Marketing, Product Management, Productivity, Remote Work, Startups, Venture Capital, Work
Innovation & Tech: Accessibility, Android Dev, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Digital Life, Gadgets, iOS Dev, Javascript, Machine Learning, Math, Neuroscience, Programming, Science, Self-Driving Cars, Software Engineering, Space, Technology, UX, Visual Design
Life: Addiction, Cannabis, Creativity, Disability, Family, Fitness, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Money, Outdoors, Parenting, Pets, Psychedelics, Psychology, Relationships, Self, Sexuality, Spirituality, Travel
Society: Basic Income, Cities, Coronavirus, Education, Election 2020, Environment, Equality, Future, Gun Control, History, Immigration, Justice, Language, LGBTQIA, Media, Philosophy, Politics, Privacy, Race, Religion, San Francisco, Society, Transportation, Women, World
You must be surprised by this Really Long List of fields you can subscribe too. Download the application or access it through the internet and you will be welcomed with these categories to select those you would like to see more! Yes, Medium has a monthly subscription to view unlimited amounts of articles. Trust me though, it is worth the shot! Medium articles are written by top-notch writers from all over the world. The amount of perspective you can get from these people is simply indescribable.
Looking for purely intellectual readings to support your claims, disprove your hypothesis? Google Scholar is a one stop search engine which allows you to search for articles or case law related to topics of interest. If you would like a good read on the world, backed with reliable data and sources, Google Scholar is a place with abundance of that! And the matter of fact is that this can help support not just your English essays but also covers areas in other subjects. Give Google Scholar (it’s free!) a try, thank us later!
Fear no more about school or home tuition assignments, you’re going to be able to conquer them with these 3 useful tools (and a lot of effort)! It’s time to wow your teachers and private tutors, and the best part is it really does not take that much effort to read widely and meaningfully if you pick the right resources and devote just 5 minutes a day to engage in an article of your choice! As a leading private tuition agency, FamilyTutor personally loves reading new articles every day and strongly encourages you to cultivate this habit today!
Just so you know, ‘Big Brain’ is a knowledge-based series that covers practically anything under the sun that will help nourish your mind with intellectual nutrition!
Zoe is an undergraduate student in Singapore who loves thinking deeply and translating them into writing. She hopes her reflective opinions and sound advice weaved into relevant articles will be useful for you in one way or another!
FamilyTutor is an established home tuition agency in Singapore! We match suitable home tutors for our clients not just to improve the students' academic grades, but also to build a strong rapport and meaningful relationship with the students and even the their whole family. FamilyTutor put every student in good hands!
If you need an excellent home tutor, feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +65 8777-2168! Our matching service is free!
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FamilyTutor is an established and the people’s favourite home tuition agency in Singapore! We match a suitable tutor for you not just to improve the student’s grade, but also to build a good rapport and meaningful relationship with the student and even with the student’s whole family! With FamilyTutor, every Singaporean son & daughter is in good hands.