PRE-Exam PREparation: How to Effectively Prepare for a Big Test

PRE-Exam PREparation: How to Effectively Prepare for a Big Test

Are your finals just around the corner? Are you bombarded with exams by multiple teachers this coming Friday? Or are you just hoping to find ways to get better at studying for exams? Either way, you have come to the right place to seek for advice.

Balancing Social Life and Academics

Balancing Social Life and Academics

One of the most common struggles amongst students during this day and age is keeping balance between their studies and their social life. The stigma goes that students who are good in studies often have little to no social life, preferring to spend their days holed up in their rooms or in libraries preparing for the next exam.

Private Home Tuition: Is It Worth It? 1 to 1 Home Tuition in Singapore

Private Home Tuition: Is It Worth It?

Parents often engage in home tutors to make sure they stay on top of their academic performance in school. Some parents also engage in home tutors just because it’s popular without thinking if their child needs it. Here we will discuss about private tuition and if it is worth it in engaging one for our children.