Tutor FAQ
How do I register as a tutor with FamilyTutor?
To officially register as a tutor with us, simply fill up our Tutor Registration Form!
After which, please join our FamilyTutor Telegram Channel to view all available tuition assignments that we post every day! This is the one and only platform that we will post our assignment details on.
Please note that you must officially register with us before you are able to apply for the tuition assignments on Telegram!
How do I apply for tuition assignments?
Before applying for tuition assignments with FamilyTutor, please ensure that you have joined our official Telegram Channel made specially for our tutors!
To apply for tuition assignments, simply follow the instruction at the bottom of each tuition assignment text bubble!
How do I know I am successful in getting a tuition assignment?
When you are shortlisted for a tuition assignment, our friendly coordinator will let you know via the platform (WhatsApp or Telegram) that both of you communicate on.
If the student or parent wishes to engage you as the home tutor, the coordinator will let you know as well, followed helping both parties to arrange for the first lesson!
Even if you are shortlisted and NOT successful in getting the tuition assignment, the coordinator will inform you that as well!
How long should I commit for a tuition assignment?
Unless stated otherwise in the final confirmation text or invoice when FamilyTutor confirms a tuition assignment for the tutor, we expect all tutors to commit at least 4 weeks’ worth of lessons before any termination of tuition.
If the tutor wants to terminate the tuition without any valid reason (e.g. medical-related) before completing at least 4 weeks’ worth of lessons, he or she will not be entitled to receive any tuition fee that is yet to be paid to him or her.
Of course, all students or parents would like the tutors to commit as long as possible.
While we cannot force our tutors to commit for more than 4 weeks’ worth of lessons, we encourage responsible behaviour in them. After all, in the first place, FamilyTutor and the student or parent choose the tutor because we believe the tutor is able to carry out the tuition assignment with the highest level of responsibility.
As long as our tutors are responsible, they can expect FamilyTutor to highly recommend them again for future tuition assignments!
Can students or parents postpone or cancel a lesson?
Yes, they can postpone lessons.
However, any postponement of the lessons in the first 4 weeks should be made known to FamilyTutor via WhatsApp or phone calls at +65 8777 2168 and to the tutor via his or her phone number at least 24 hours before the next lesson commences. This is except for special cases such as medical emergencies.
Please note that any failure to postpone at least 24 hours before the next lesson commences may incur a compensation to the tutor for his or her loss of time. The compensation is usually no less than 50% of one lessons’ worth of fee.
Can I postpone or cancel a lesson?
FamilyTutor discourages our tutors to postpone lessons unless there is a valid reason, such as suddenly falling sick or having some sort of medical emergencies.
All in all, we encourage our tutors to inform the student or parent of any postponement of lesson at least 24 hours before the next lesson commences, and make up for the missed lesson within the next 7 days.
At the same time, we encourage our tutors to set a healthy communication system with the student or parent so both parties could understand each other’s schedule and come to a consensus regarding any postponement issue.
How much is the agency fee?
Generally, FamilyTutor charges an agency fee that ranges from 50% to 62.5% of the first 4 weeks’ worth of lessons.
The reason for the range could be due to demand or supply of the assignment or tutor respectively; could be due to agency’s exclusivity of the tuition assignment; could be the potential longevity of the tuition assignment.
There are many factors that could affect our decision of the agency fee, but rest assured that we keep it within the range of 50% to 62.5%.
More importantly, we do not force our tutors to take up tuition assignments that are high in the agency fee.
FamilyTutor works on a willing-buyer-willing-seller basis, ensuring that both the student or parent and the tutor are happy with the terms and conditions before we go ahead to confirm a tuition assignment.
How am I paid for the lessons?
The parent may request to make payment to the tutors by cash or cheque, via bank transfer, PayNow, or PayLah! This is provided that the confirmed tutors are agreeable too!
Our agency fee is charged to our tutors, so to facilitate the collection of agency fees from our tutors, we require the student’s or parent’s cooperation to make payment for the first few lessons (50%-62.5% of the first 4 weeks’ worth) directly to FamilyTutor.
Thereafter, the student or parent will make payment to the tutors directly for the remaining lessons.
No worries, the payment details and method will be communicated to you clearly when we confirm a tuition assignment for our tutors!
How will I be paid if the tuition assignment ends prematurely?
If the tutor decides to terminate the assignment without a valid reason (e.g. medical reasons backed by a medical certificate or proof) before completing at least 4 weeks’ worth of lessons, the tutor is not entitled to receive any tuition fee. Otherwise, the tuition fee payable to tutor would be 4 lessons’ worth of tuition fee minus off the agency fee collected by FamilyTutor.
If the client decides to terminate the assignment before completing at least 4 weeks’ worth of lessons, FamilyTutor will share half of the tuition fee for the lessons’ delivered equally with the tutor. However, FamilyTutor will still make the decision ,regarding the amount to be shared, on a case-by-case basis.
If there is a long-term change to the lesson frequency or duration, FamilyTutor will decide on the agency fee based on the long-term frequency and duration of the tuition assignment. Please note that tutors who encounter such circumstance are to inform FamilyTutor of the changes. After which, FamilyTutor will adjust the agency fee accordingly.
Tutors who are dishonest and who fail to inform FamilyTutor of such cases may be blacklisted.
What is the agency fee for short-term tuition assignments?
A short-term assignment is defined as one that lasts for 8 weeks or shorter. It is considered as a short-term assignment when declared as one from the start. So, if the client or the tutor cancels the tuition before the first 8 weeks, it is not considered a short-term assignment.
The agency fee would be 25%-30% of the entire short-term assignment. This 25%-30% is calculated based on the regular frequency and duration determined during the confirmation of the tuition assignment. If the frequency and duration are affected by the student’s or the tutor’s side when the assignment is ongoing, the agency fee would remain unchanged.
However, in case the change in the frequency and duration is so huge that it largely affects the tutor’s income, FamilyTutor would assess this on a case-by-case basis. While FamilyTutor wants to be fair to all of our tutors, our decisions are final.