How to Deal with Academic Pressure
Academic stress and pressure are common among students, whether it is due to trying to keep up with peers, maintain the reputation of your institution, or satisfy parental expectations.
Academic stress and pressure are common among students, whether it is due to trying to keep up with peers, maintain the reputation of your institution, or satisfy parental expectations.
Online education has transformed the way people learn, providing increased flexibility, accessibility, and diverse opportunities for lifelong learning.
Not getting enough sleep and rest affects your mood, your physical well-being, your mental health, and how you take in information and concentrate in class.
Not getting enough sleep and rest affects your mood, your physical well-being, your mental health, and how you take in information and concentrate in class.
Online group projects can be challenging and even seem nearly impossible to complete, but with the appropriate attitude, you and your groupmates can complete them.
We’ll be tackling more of the ways to help a student who is suffering from burnout and may not be able to perform their very best may it be with their exams or their revisions.